Doules Finnish Childbirth Education

Current Status
Not Enrolled
79,00 €
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Welcome to the Doules Finnish Childbirth Education!

The course consists of five sections:

  1. Basics of childbirth
  2. Approaching childbirth
  3. During childbirth
  4. At the hospital
  5. After childbirth

I recommend going through all the sections of the course because regardless of the type of birth you envision, since life can present you with a different experience. Therefore, it is important to understand various types of childbirth so that you can adjust your goals smoothly according to the changed circumstances.

Sometimes, during pregnancy, it can be difficult to think about postpartum life. However, it would be beneficial to familiarize yourself with the postnatal period even before childbirth. At the very least, briefly browse through the final section so that you know what information is available there and can return to the course even after childbirth.

Your course access code is valid for 9 months.

I’m Marjaana Siivola, and I will be your coach in this course. I have a Master’s degree in Engineering, and I am a researcher and licensed engineer. I have also completed the childbirth coaching courses offered by CAPPAn, LAMAZE, and the HypnoBirthing Institute. In addition, I am a certified doula, doula trainer, professional educator, and online pedagogue. I have combined these different skills in this course, which I have developed in collaboration with midwives.

If you would like to get in touch, please email me at [email protected].